Saturday, July 12, 2014

First test

Hello Fellas, finally we meet again. It’s has been long time since my first post here.  Today, I want share about my FIRST TEST. My Teech has assigned me and my partner to find a Sr and oo in an article. My partner for this task is hafi@Hapee... she is quite annoying but I  love to work with her. First of all do you know what the hell of sr and oo it is…?
Sr or support reason is used to support a statement in an article, meanwhile oo or opposition objection is used to show disagree or objection to a statement in an article. It’s quite difficult because sometimes it’s not stated clearly in the article, so we must find it carefully. Our deadline for this test is on last Wednesday. My partner and I really hope that this test will meet the requirement needed by teech and hopefully we can get a full Mark….. ;) ;D